
Discover your strengths…

There was a time in your life when you knew how to fly...  And then one day... you grew up. At a young age, most of us know what comes naturally, what feels right, what fills our hearts with joy... like flying our own airplane. Then as we grow up, we begin to put a veneer over all that joy and do what others want us to do... hoping to become more like [...]

You say you want a leader…

This music stanza comes from the iconic song "Purple Rain" - which was first released by Prince, back on June 25, 1984. It serves as an example of the saying - "The more things change, the more they stay the same." "You say you want a leader, but you can't seem to make up your mind." The direction of this statement has always been true. To follow another's lead, the follower has to [...]

We learn… by doing

The concept of "learning by doing" is deceptively simple, and is often confused with the more simple process of knowledge transfer. And truth be told, many corporate trainers still utilize classroom, lecture-style programs as their primary training vehicle, hoping students learn and remember something, when in most cases the training program's design provides topic information only - much like watching television. The problem though isn't in the teaching format or even in the teacher, [...]

The work we choose…

"To have a firm persuasion in our work... to feel that what we do is right for ourselves and good for the world... at exactly the same time - is one of the great triumphs of human existence." This quote begs us to ask a simple question - "Am I doing work that is right for me... and good for the world in which I live?" It's taken from the masterful book, "Crossing the Unknown [...]

Today, I will…

Today, I will... get lost. And maybe you'll be able to help me find my way back. You see, the journey of inner-self discovery is the hardest journey of all. It's hard because of the fog we find ourselves in - the fog of the never-ending advertiser, the ever-changing social norm, and the weight of the inner baggage we all choose to carry. Yet each and every day, we must travel the journey [...]

I wasn’t born to fly… Were you?

No, I wasn't born to fly. And there was a time when no one could - no matter how hard they tried. Then one day, after years of toil, experimentation, and hard work... we all could. And the process of building our strengths as individuals is much like the process of learning how to fly. We begin by identifying our individual talents, those natural thoughts, feelings, and ways of behavior that we all possess. After [...]

Life is…

At some point in our lives, most of us find a great mentor. For me, it was a fellow named Zig Ziglar. I first met him back in the late 90's, back when "success seminars" were touring the country. During a special breakfast meeting that was held before the seminar, he sat down with me and the group I was with and "held court" - telling stories about his life as a public speaker. [...]

Truly, handcrafted…

At the age of 17, I joined the U.S. Navy and began my journey through life, hoping to learn... how to become an artist. Okay, I knew I wouldn't be painting landscapes. And I knew I wasn't going to learn how to create sculpture. But I wanted to become an artist. More importantly, I hoped that someday I would become... a craftsman. As I began my career in the U.S. Navy, I was taught [...]

Hey there, how do you do?

How do you do? I do, by learning. Okay then, how do you learn? I learn, by doing. What a great couple of questions. And, both are important. If you want to learn something, you have to learn... how to do... something... first. Learning how is all about doing something. And, doing something, anything - is really about learning the process of taking action. So, let's go do... something. Something... really great. Something [...]