Workforce Talent Development
Discover Your Talents | Build Your Strengths TM
“Workplace strength — The ability to provide consistent, near-perfect performance in a workplace activity.” – Dave Schleif
Building Strength In Today’s Technical Workforce
As a technically-focused workforce talent development training leader and Gallup certified strengths coach, I help people build workplace performance capacity – by taking a strengths-based approach to workplace learning and technical skills development.
My workforce development services include: technical and non-technical learning and development workshops, e-learning program development, individual and team Gallup certified strengths coaching, workplace training aid creation, and technical workplace knowledge capture.
My learning topics include: leadership and management development, manufacturing production management, industrial sales, technical workplace skills development, and industrial workplace safety.

Helping People Build Technical Workplace Strengths
Getting things done in business requires strong workplace performance in all areas of the business. And the journey leading to increased employee performance begins with talent theme discovery and workplace strengths development.
To help individuals identify their “themes of talent”, I utilize Gallup’s CliftonStrenghts Talent Assessment. This assessment quickly becomes our talent discovery window, offering us a glimpse into an individual’s specific “talent profile”. The assessment also serves as a directional compass, allowing us to choose the correct individual development path moving forward – effectively and efficiently. After talent awareness and understanding, our next steps include knowledge acquisition, and deliberate practice skill building activities.
For team-based strengths coaching and development projects, I utilize the ADDIE model of instructional design to insure efficient project management related to talent awareness and strengths development understanding, knowledge transfer and skills development. During the project’s development phase, I’ll work with your leadership, human resource, sales, engineering, manufacturing, safety, and industrial service work groups with the goal of moving forward with exciting learning and development experiences that will help your people understand their talents and build their strengths. As a final note, interactive workshops provide the ideal foundation for team-based strengths development activities and our strengths-based leadership, management and selling workshops can be tailored to meet your specific business development needs.
Technical Workplace Strengths Development – Learning Tools And Services
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Workplace Strengths
The Schleif/Learning Workplace Strengths Development Process focuses on individual and team – talent, knowledge, and skills development. These three components will help you and your team grow faster and perform better.
E-Learning Program
Technically-focused knowledge transfer e-learning programs can help your people learn specific topics faster and better. These tools can be short and simple or surprisingly complex – depending on your specific needs and requirements.
Blended Learning
Program Development
The Schleif/Learning blended learning model brings together various learning solutions – traditional classroom, interactive e-learning, focused deliberate practice and workplace job aids. We call this core development process… “learning and doing”.
Workplace Knowledge
Tribal knowledge is an important business asset. After collecting valuable knowledge and information from within the workplace, we create PoKA’s (portable knowledge assets) that include e-learning, classroom, and blended learning development programs.
About Dave Schleif
As a technically-focused workforce development training leader and Gallup certified strengths coach, my passion is helping people learn. At Schleif/Learning, I provide strengths-based technical learning and development workshops, individual and team coaching services, along with specialized learning tools that help people identify their innate talents, and develop these talents into workplace performance strengths.
Schleif/Learning – Building Strength In Today’s Technical Workplace
Areas Of Expertise And Understanding
My workforce talent development career began after being awarded the highly coveted NEC-9502 Naval Instructor designation from the U.S. Navy. I’ve succeeded in the roles of Human Resource Leader and Learning And Talent Development Leader, responsible for plant leadership, production management, sales, and technical workforce skills development. Finally, I hold certification to teach the highly acclaimed Leader Effectiveness Training (LET) leader development program and I serve others as a Gallup Certified Strengths Coach.
I have extensive experience as a Manufacturing Plant Engineer, Manufacturing Plant Manager and Industrial Safety Leader. I’ve succeeded in various manufacturing processes environments including plastic injection molding, metal turning, heat treating and stamping, chrome plating, and textile manufacturing. My work experience includes service as a Learning and Development Leader within a LEAN manufacturer, which gave me the critical hands-on experience needed to blend the needs of efficient manufacturing, with the needs of leading an effective workforce.
My resume includes duties as the Global Industrial Sales And Technical Training Leader for Enerpac, a large hydraulic tools manufacturer. During this period, I had the opportunity to develop and teach leadership, management, and sales programs to a global audience. In addition, I was responsible for developing and providing technical service development programs. Finally, I’ve served in interim roles, serving others as Enerpac’s Western Region Sales Manager and Industrial Products Marketing Leader.
During military service, I served as a Machinery Operations, Repair, and Training Leader on-board a nuclear-powered fast attack submarine. I also achieved traditional 600 lb. and 1200 lb. Steam Plant Operator, Engine Room Supervisor, and Engineer of the Watch certification. My technical repair work experience includes service as a Maintenance Mechanic, Machinery Repair Supervisor, and Plant Engineer/Safety Leader leading medium and large technical work groups within the metal processing, fabric manufacturing, and plastic injection molding/product assembly industries.
My Mission Is Simple
Helping Individuals And Teams – Discover Their Talents And Build Their Strengths
At Schleif/Learning, I help people build powerful workplace strengths by utilizing a process of focused talent discovery and dedicated strengths building activities. My workforce development coaching, training, and learning development programs are built on the solid foundation of talent awareness, knowledge transfer and skills development. By utilizing strengths-based coaching and interactive learning solutions, my highest priority is simply… Changing The Lives Of People.